Power of Attorney

Not all are fortunate enough to have family close by to assist with their administrative, practical and financial needs.  Royal Blue Executors are able to act as Power of Attorney and advocate for clients no longer mobile or able to manage their own affairs.  RBE can handle all medical and financial matters for the client, while the client is well enough to instruct them. If their health should decline and they do not have immediate next of kin close by to step in for them – RBE can continue to act on their behalf.  Karen’s services can prove vital if a client decides that they would like to remain in their own home, rather than move to a hospital bed in their final days.  Karen can arrange palliative care in the home.  We are also able to liaise with doctors on behalf of the client to access the necessary equipment and medication to make the time at home as comfortable as possible.  This is all done under formal Power of Attorney cover.

Power of Attorney

‘My aunt was able to die in her own home, the home she had shared with her husband for 54 years. She knew that she was dying, and she drew comfort knowing that it would happen in her home.  It would not have been possible without Karen’s care and experience.’

Please note that Powers Of Attorney take 12 weeks to be legally registered, and so this step of appointing an attorney or representative to act for you should not be left until the client becomes too ill or starts to lose capacity.

For family members or beneficiaries that no longer live in the UK, Royal Blue Executors are able to manage all operational and administrative tasks that a family member or friend has to do when a loved one becomes very ill, gets hospitalised, or taken into care.

Royal Blue Executors can use Skype or Zoom appointments, videoconferencing, phone calls, recorded video to ensure that all responsibilities for an individual are met and communicated to the relatives or family or guardians.

Power of AttorneyWhen my mother had her stroke, it took 3 days for me to get to her from Tampa where I live.  Karen was able to step in at very short notice to get everything my mother needed in hospital.  She found immediate short-term care for my mother’s 2 Jack Russells and made sure that Mum’s property was locked up and secure. She arranged accommodation for me near the hospital and even fetched me from the airport so that I could go straight to see my mother while she took care of my luggage and transport’.